Sunday, December 12, 2010


Welcome to our English 101C-Fall 2010 Blog!

This semester we worked on descriptive writing and we want to share some our our writing with you.  Our theme was "A picture is worth 1000 words."


English 101C-Academic Writing II

Night photography has the aptitude to take a scene furthermore cast it in an extraordinary light just like the golden hour surrounding sunset and sunrise can add an element of uniqueness and mood to a sunlit scene. Night photography often requires technical extremes in camera’s limits for aperture and shutter speed. In the picture there is sparking homogeneous light from the low buildings which is uniformly spread. The light looks glamorous. When buildings are elucidated at night their features and shapes are enhanced in a very special way than by hours of daylight and this picture looks astonishing. One of the most challenging things  is  in night photography is getting the exposure and color balance which is well captured in this photograph. 
Theyab (Section 6) 
Mother was sitting in the sofa, sobbing with her shoulder twitching. I had never seen mother crying before. I went close to her, asking what had happened. She wiped her tears, forced a smile, and told me calmly that her small store was going to go broke. I didn’t know how to comfort her at the moment, but I did know what the small store meant to her. Mother ran the small store in order for my brother and me to have a better education. As father worked with low salary which could merely afford the whole family's life necessities, mother had to try hard to earn money for our education. She was frantic to make money before she managed the store herself. She once worked day and night for months on end in a small restaurant. It was a very difficult period of time for her. But she never complained before us.
  • Yongxin (Section 6)
     On a very sunny and beautiful day, at the second of December of 1971, Sheikh Zayed announced that the union of the United Arab Emirates has finally been established. The union of the seven beautiful, pure, and shiny pearls, as we the people of the UAE like to call it, which in other words is the union of the seven Emirates that end to made up the United Arab Emirates.  The people were really happy, glad, and excited to hear that announcement. Sheikh Zayed had done a big and great effort in making the union of these seven Emirates that used to be in combating and warring statue and make them live all together in love, peace, and harmony. In addition to that, he made a bigger effort in turning these seven Emirates into seven big and modern cities. 
  • Fadel (Section 10)
My sister is very thankful for everything she owns. And under the influence of her, I become more thankful for the world. At first, I complaint about almost everything, for example: my fair looking, my not rich family and cold relationship family. Every time I feel sad, I go to my sister for help. Then she would comfort me by saying, “Youth, health. When do we ever realize how important they are? You already have it for you are such healthy. Sometimes it takes a stark contrast to put us in our place and show us how much there is to be thankful for. “My sister gives me a world in peace where I thank for everything and love everything.
  •  Mengyi (Section 6)

 After browse the painting, I feel very shocked. The Riverside Scene During The Qingming Festival is a grand work. I can’t believe that the painter can draw lots of little people, houses, landscapes and livestock in a long hand scroll format. That will spend a long time and energy to finish it. The most important point is that the painter has a tough volition, and he is so scrupulous. The painting has the important historical value and artistic merit. I think the content of painting is so abundant, and the technique is very good. So it is one of the ten top of Chinese famous painting and the first level national treasure in China. And this painting has other name which is “Chinese Monalisa”. So it can show the painting is so grand and precious.
  • Weiqi (Section 6)  

On May 1998 nearly all teenagers from most of the universities in Jakarta gathered in the center of the city. They then moved to other parts of the city, burned buildings and vehicles, threw rocks everywhere, and killed people. The riot eventually turned into a racial violence against Chinese people, I know this sounds a bit subjective for you, but I still remember well how a lot of Chinese people killed, raped, even their stores and offices were destroyed or burned. A lot of Chinese moved out from Jakarta, but the streets were closed by the mobs, so a lot of them moved from Indonesia, they flew to other countries, including my uncle. That’s why there are less Chinese people in Indonesia nowadays than before. 
  • Raymond (Section 10)
Small hill behind the town is giving off desolate visual through the top of mountains that is bared. The hill is little bit barren whether the settlers cut too many trees, or what. In front of the hill, the river reflects the blue cloudless sky, light green hill and houses. It seems that river is going to keep those to scenery itself. The town’s atmosphere feels like floating classical music that feels sweet, love, happy, lonely and so on. Even with all the storm weather in that town, it will still have gentle and peaceful classical music atmosphere. This picture is beautiful because every emotion is surging eventually. There is lonely girl, kids full of vigor, carefree horses and so on. This picture is going to be beautiful forever until it lose one of its brilliant faint scents of emotion. 
  • Dabin (Section 6)

       Rock is really like a friend. When you are alone, it will accompany you and give you strength to stick to the difficult things.  On the other hand, rock music is also like a fantastic medicine to cure some of psychic diseases, like anxiety, losing sleep. It makes you have a good mood for every day and produces a subconscious effect on your life.  Although I believe rock music began to enter my world in the last year of high school, I do not really understand what rock is until I come to college.  From high school to now I have a lot of experiences with rock music and it has changed my understanding of rock music.
  • Nova (Section 10)
My brain just went blank, I was thinking what should I say to them, to my love ones. I expected them to say something first. However, they did not; instead, they waved arm and watched at me. Through the eye contact, we instantly felt the feeling of each others: care, worry, love, wish……I did appreciate to have them as my families, appreciate that I spent my first 20 years with them, appreciate all the thing they did for me, appreciate you were here for me. Though I was leaving, though I would be back almost a year later, my heart would still be with you, every day, every second. This was the strongest connection of the world, the connection between you and me. It would never ever disappear even we die. 

  • Richard (Section 6) 

The clouds are forever changing, from being like a mirror when all is calm to rolling like waves when the wind is strong. When the clouds gush between the peaks like a raging river while the red leaves flutter in the breeze. I cannot help marveling at this gift from the nature. And all the colors seem more vivid in the sunshine. The beautiful clouds assume every hue from red to purple. I was struck by the beauty when all the leaves are floating on the white clouds in spring.
  • Liu (Section 10)

Many things passed from his mind. He never thought that the human race would end. He always thought that the human race would prosper and that we would find a new way to live in harmony. But, he knew he was wrong, the reality was in front of his eyes. He saw a dead planet, with no life and no future.  Tears started coming out from his eyes as seeing this planet inhabitable and deserted. At that instance he remembered how life on Earth was years ago. He remember himself as a child running in the green camps and enjoying the beautiful weather and panorama. But it was everything over now. The earth was mostly a dessert, hot and dry with no signs of any single drop of water.
  • Carlos (Section 10)
The sky and sea merged into one color, the breeze touched my face, made me feel just like be in a very wonderful dream. The water of the San Francisco Bay was so clear that it looked like a blue, transparent crystal. And there were several seabirds and otters leisurely floated on the mirror like surface of the ocean. Sometimes, big sea gulls flew over tourists’ head. The picturesque and peaceful scenery made me feel so carefree, and release all my fatigue.
  • Mingjia (Section 6) 
Fall is a time when the days grow short. Leaves begin to fall off trees. The plants are barren; the neighborhoods are silent; the sky is grey, and the air is chilly. It is as if the entire universe has slowed to a crawl and returned to its usual small pace. Yet, without the darkness, the cold, and the deadness of the season, such a night could not have been possible. It is the most beautiful time of the year. I will never forget that October sky.
  • Seet (Section 6)

        If you haven’t forgotten how to learn to walk during you were a child, you need to face life strongly; maybe you will be frustrated when you get in troubles, but God will helps those who help themselves. If you still remember the dream in the past, you need to try your best to chase that, because it is the only way to achieve it. Youth seem a torrential river, but memories can take us back to the past, in case you lost direction in life, just let your memories take you to the original and find your real dream. Life is like a cruel knife changing our appearance, but it can’t change our dream; therefore, we have no reason to give up our dreams. 
  •    Shenghao (Section 6)               
The first impression of the hospital was peaceful. The hospital was surrounded by leafy trees and the artificial waterfall by the hospital made the hospital look like a park, not a place in which sick people are suffering from their sicknesses. Enormous and modern buildings seemed urbane that they were built recently. Exterior of the hospital helped me think twice of the negative image of hospitals. The atmosphere of the outside of the hospital helped to ease my anxious and nervous mind. But as soon as I stepped into the hospital, I could realize that my image about the hospital was true. The odor of medicine and disinfectants made me dizzy. People who are sitting in wheelchairs, people who have a needle in their arms, people who are covered with white cloth, these made me think that the hospital is the place where is different from the outside of the hospital. The hospital was huge like a maze so that it seemed I might have lost without the map.
  • Minki (Section 10)

To be honest, I love this photo very much. I want to everybody knows that friendship never be died, and the reason why we come America is not only study but also need make as much as more friends, because everyone cannot live without friend, and friends are helpful perpetual. For instance, friends like your family members, when you meet some problems they would help you and give you their love. Of course, my parents always tell me friend can help me expand my horizon and help me establish a solid foundation for my future.    
  • Yixuan (Section 6)

The stone car was the bright spot among the normal things around us. Some special thing like the car in our life would play a very important role which made us excited and relaxed. We needed to explore them by ourselves to make our life to be colorful instead of the single color black and white. Like the car, it hidden among the building, trees and the real car. If you were careless, you might miss it on the way that left you regretful. 
  • Tongtong (Section 10)

On the way back to my great-uncle’s home, we talked, laughed and made jokes with each other. Because we had walked for a long distance, we decided to find a place to sit and relax for a while. The time for that moment was exactly the sunset time. It was extremely beautiful when the sun went down to the horizon and hid half of itself on the other side of the land. On the other side of the sky, the moon rose up smoothly and emerged itself between trees and buildings. I could not help taking out my camera and taking a picture of this great scenery. Because the picture was taken near my great-uncle’s garden district, it always reminds me of my great uncle.
  • Brian Sun (Section 10)
In my heart, I knew my sister care about me a lot and I loved her deeply too. If there were two apples, I would choose the smaller one. If there was only one swing, I would let her play first. I shared all my food, snacks, toys with her. In addition, I gave almost all my old clothes and books to her. However in my memory, she did not like sharing her things with me. What’s more she always competed with me and wanted to have everything better than me. I was lost in thought. After a little while, the little girl woke me from my day dream. She put some sweets in my hand. She wanted me to have these sweets. Yeah! She was willing to share something good with me. What’s more she insisted to stay with me, even though it was a rainy day. Finally, my sister was moved that I cared so much about her.
  • Lin (Section 10)
When I was in my hometown, I used to wake up before the dawn break. Watching the primary energy supplier to the earth gliding slowly from the horizon on the soft white beach is one of my favorite moments back in Malaysia. The energetic, bright and yellowish red star rise gracefully from the ocean level, instantaneously, the land is all under its warm and bright hug. The breeze blowing from the sea carries the freshness of the ocean with taste of salt, the deep asleep tropical trees along the shore dance softly as the wind blows, the dim dark blue sky turned into bright and flashy rose red within split seconds, giving me the sense of security not describable by words. This feeling give me the courage and spirits to face any tasks and challenges for the rest of the day. 
  •  Sian Yun (Section 6)

Around the lake, manicured lawns cover most of the area. Many willow trees and bamboo shoots are planted in the green space. Several deformed stones and some bushes are placed at the lakefront. Small yellow flowers grow among stones. A path follows the lakefront and goes through the bamboos, which is very popular among students and teachers and it is also popular for me. It carries most of my happy memories. For instance, after classes, my friends and I always sat beside the lake and did our homework; when we felt high pressure from studying, we walked around the lake and shared our feelings.
  • Wenjun (Section 10)

In every girl’s life, there is always a man, who is strong, handsome and protective. The man brings life to you and decorates it colorfully. When you get upset, he tries his best to tell jokes to make you smile, even though he is not good at comedy at all. So, you laugh because of the way he acts, not for his story. When you are happy, he always keeps a good mood even when he is so busy with his work. When you are being discouraged, he will be with you and cheer you up right away. Over all, he is the man that whenever you need him, he will be the first person to come. He has the best personality and a holy name: father.
  • Huiling (Section 6)

All in all, I love my high school, after talking about so many things about it, I miss my high school, I miss every building there, I want to walk around it to see and remember everything in it. It recorded my three years’ unforgettable lives when I experienced success and failure, happiness and sadness, also, I made a lot of good friends there who let me know the good sense of friendship. The most important is that, I learned many things there not only knowledge on books but also about something like communications. I will remember my high school forever.
  • Yuqing (Section 6)
I still believed that it was the most important basketball math in my life. If we won, they went home, if we lose we went home. It sounds like playoffs in the NBA. Actually I had never thought about we will lose. Because we were strong enough to beat them. It was the best time to approve that we were stronger than them. Before the match began, our coach told us that he really wanted us to win this game; it was very meaningful for both him and our school. And he really trusted in us, believed we could make it. I did not think it was a kind of pressure, I did believe that was the lifeblood of the game we won.

  • Chongyi (Section 10)

“Mian” is a small white Bichon. At my twelfth birthday, my grandma gave it to me as a present. To be honest, I had never been fond of any pet before I met Mian. I thought pets were all dirty and noisy. However, when I saw Mian at my first sight, I forgot the opinion what I had persisted before, because she was so cute! She was only 3 months old and just like a little baby in my arms. Her nose is a little black pot. She had a pair of brilliant black eyes and they seem like two black gems dotted on her pure white hair. Her hair was very white without any pollution. There were some little volumes on her hair. At the first glance, I even had a kind of urge to bite her because she looked like a sweet cotton candy so much. That’s why I named her Mian Huatang. In Chinese, it means cotton candy. 
  • Bryan Yan (Section 10)
The first time I was so close to my grandfather, I was watching his silent smile and deep breathe. His shoulder, seems not very huge, had once bare the burden of the family. His hands with many scars had Record the years' ruthless change. I walked quietly by his side, we both looked at each other. Always, like usual, still being silence. Though his eyes, I seem to understand why he chose to live in that small boat and why he chose to say no word to his grandson. That is a truly man modeling his grandson by act that man with man saying no word worth thousands words. It was his spirit that man has the responsible to fight with surge as if challenging with these differences in daily life. After a while, a loud blast of whistle came into my ear. It was a sign that a boat set out to begin its journey. My grandfather looked at it, the emotion I can feel from him that he deeply wanted to travel out sea again, because it was his life!
  • Yanchen (Section 6)

Playing mud was a popular game at that time. It didn’t cost any money and you can play with many children together. When we had nothing to do we would went to the place that many children played mud. We played mud with others. I liked making a castle and many tanks surrounding my castle. Usually, we would compete whose mud work was the best. The child who made the best mud work would be respected and very pride for his work. I still remembered Xusen ever made a circular wall. He called that his new home. He invited me to visit his new home and asked his gust help him to build a larger circular wall. After we finishing our new home, we squatted in the circular wall and showed our new home to other children. Most of them were envious of our new home. Then many children built the circular wall. When they had made their new home, we have much new furniture in our home. We made little TV, sofa and tables in our home. We made different things every day. It really brought much happiness to our childhood.
  •  Tony (Section 6)

My mom and aunt sat close to each other and chatted happily. They always have a vast number of common topics, from household
to work, from the price of vegetables to that of fashion clothes. However, the most issue that they concerned about are their children performance at school. Indeed, my sister and I usually become the high frequency topic between them. When I was a kid, I had no use for that. Now, I realize gradually that this selfless devotion of our mother is inestimable. They might like comparing and nagging sometimes. Nevertheless, their staring point is in order to our growth. I am staying away from mom and studying in the new land. Although the life here is rich colorful, I began to miss her again and again words.
  • Jane (Section 6)
When I saw the library, it seemed like a knowledge palace. Students studied and gained knowledge at here. Also there was a sculpture build in front of the library. I heard this sculpture had special meaning. Because the sculpture just had half of the body. It stands for a spirit which people wanted to gain the knowledge from the library. After that, we went to our major building and showed around the classrooms. For example, we had seen the model of plane in spaceflight building, and it such huge model that you couldn’t image it. 
  • Louis (Section 6)
You cannot see the torridity and exhaustion from our faces. Instead, only welcoming smiles and pleasure appear because we had endurance that was enhanced in the volunteer experience. Everyday we kept  guard for 8 hours with alertness. Actually, the only time we could relax is when we ate. Initially, probably because it was the first time we volunteered in such a formal way, we were filled with curiosity and excitement. We did everything with passion and enthusiasm. As time flied, we were gradually used to doing the routine things and the only different thing we expected was the various daily meals . The stairs made from marble and the glistening doors  line the top of the stairs, and was the place we should pass by everyday because it was outside the dinning room, which was full of fragrance and our laughter. The scent was not from the dinning room but from the flowers on the both sides of the long stairs. After each wonderful meal we kept on doing for 30 days until the end of Olympics. Although we enjoyed our work  there were also some conflicts among us. But we learned how to deal with conflict and how to improve a single work through repeating it again and again without complaining about anything. In the end of the Olympics, our persistence led us to success with awards that recognized our spirit. 
  • Bolun (Section 6)
When you went down to Yang Zhou, you will be attracted by its folkway and the innovate events there. Life is easy there, every morning I woke up, finished the first wash. Then I went to the roadside stand at the street corner for breakfast with my grandma, I still can remember the delicious flavor. Here one thing I want to mention that breakfast in Yang Zhou is famous of whole China. Porridge, noodles, duns, dumplings, rice cake, zongzi, and something else, I dare say that there are more than 1000 kinds of breakfast in Yangzhou, the Fuchun’s duns and Yechun’s dumplings are the most famous and common among all. In the ancient time, people need to tea house to get these foods, people like to drink tea and talk with friends while having breakfast. As times going on, nowadays, there are lots of street vendors, people prefer to go there, it’s fast, convenient, delicious and cheap.
  • Emma (Section 10)

My grandmother cooked a plate of red –cooked pork meat and put it on the table, I really love that kind of food when I was young, my grandmother knew my thoughts, so she gave me several pieces of meat to my bowl(all my seniorities were not eating at that time). I ate it very fast, I even did not enjoy the taste, so I went back to the table and looked on the plate for a long time. My grandmother found out and smiled. Then she asked:”what are you doing? You’ve already tried that food, do not eat more, or you may not digest!” I answered:”I know, I won’t eat that, but can I smell it?” All the people laughed. My grandmother was also laughed and gave me another piece of meat. For years, when my family members recalled that memory, all of them still want to laugh!
  • Luke (Section 10)
I was a little boy that played cello in a small room every day. I still do not know why I play cello not other instruments. Maybe it is a kind of fate. When I was twelve, my parents want to me join in Nan Yang Model High School Symphony Orchestra which is the most famous orchestra in China. So I prepared sonata, scale and Aarpeggio in several mouths. Then I was going to take the professional music test in Nan Yang Model High School. This is my first time see Cao who exactly is one of the instructors. He was just smiling when I was performing. In several days, I got a letter of admission. I was so exciting that I got my wish. At this time, my symphony life started.
  • Rick (Section 10)
            When people talk about the Memorial Union, there is one thing should be mentioned, that is Gold Star Hall. The hall is placed inside of the Memorial Union, if people come into the building from the fountain, they can see it immediately. An octagonal star is on the floor, people need to pass by it in order to show respect for the heroes. From then on, the Gold Star Hall is also a part of “Memorial Union”, so it is one of the most meaningful places in the Memorial Union. Every time, when I go through the hall, I am always proud of these heroes whose name was carved on the wall.
  • Eddie (Section 6)

Recent years, the extreme weather has hit a lot of areas on earth, global warming and the aggravating weather situation makes people anxious, If we still turn a blind eye to it, we and our offspring will be punished by nature. Actually, we have been punished by the nature now. The rainstorm in China in 1998 caused hundreds of millions financial loss and millions of homeless. The ice damage caused by the La Nina in 2008 let several millions trapped in the train during the Spring Festival. The hurricane in New Orleans in 2005 forced several million people to shift. What’s worse, couples of them died. Ecologist says because of global warming there are more and more coral will die. The inland country will be drier because of the El Nino. The storms and hurricane will be a common occurrence in the future. In addition, the warming climate is more suitable for the virus to propagate. And some of the viruses freeze into the ice millions years ago may recover. No one can state with certainly that if the flood disaster in Pakistan, the drought in Russia, the cyclone in US and the debris flow in China, have contact with the climate change. But they give people a clear warm, the extreme weather will be stronger and more frequently accompany with the global warming. 
  • Bloom (Section 10)